DSS Counsellors
Ms C. Kinnis All grades A – De
Ms. S. Greene All grades Dh – Lo
Ms. H. Colls (M/W/F) All grades Lu – Pa (+ International)
Ms. W. Diomis (Tu/Th) All grades Lu – Pa (+ International)
Ms. B. Gillis All grades Pe – Z
The school counsellor is a professional in the fields of education and counselling. As an integral part of the school staff, s/he provides students with services which directly support and complement the work of the classroom teacher, and contribute to the personal development of students. At Delta Secondary, the counselling department provides services that are reflective of the current trends of the community and school as well as district priorities.
DSS has five counsellors available to assist students and parents. The services provided include course planning, career counselling, lifestyle exploration and personal counselling. In addition, the counselling department works closely with the following community support services: Delta Mental Health, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Boundary Health Unit, and Deltassist Community and Family Services.
One prime objective of the department is to assist students in career preparation through vocational exploration and lifestyle planning. Emphasis on decision-making begins in Grade 8 and continues through graduation.
Senior students are encouraged to take advantage of career advising services so they may wisely plan their courses and establish their post-secondary plans. At our annual post-secondary evening, representatives from post-secondary institutions provide students and parents with information on programs and admissions requirements. Senior students are given class time to utilize the computer prorams in the General Purpose Lab and in the Career Centre.