Regular and punctual attendance by each student is fundamental to success at Delta Secondary School. Students are expected to be in class, punctually, unless there is a justifiable reason for being absent.
Students and parents should be aware of the following procedures:
- Attendance is taken in each class. Parents can view their child’s attendance on Parent Connect. Parents will also receive an email if their child is absent from a class throughout the day. Parents are encouraged to contact the subject teacher if there is a discrepancy in the attendance reporting.
- If a student is to be absent from school, parents should contact the school by telephone or email on the day of the absence or before.
- Students who are late must report directly to their class. Any student who arrives late to school after period one with a note from home or whose parent has called to excuse the late must sign in at the office for an admission slip to class.
- Students requesting early dismissal for an appointment must present a written reason to the teacher, then present the note again at the office to sign out. Parents may also phone into the office and request an early dismissal. Students leaving classes or school without permission are considered to be truant. Repeated truancies may lead to suspension from school.