Career Preparation at Delta Secondary School provides students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and earn senior credits through work placements. Students have several options to choose from, depending on their current career interests.
Work Experience
Work Experience is an opportunity to earn high school credits while volunteering or working in a career area of interest. Opportunities can include hotels, Science World, dentists, computer technician offices, the SPCA, lawyer firms, retail stores, restaurants, and many more. It is expected students will complete a minimum of 90 hours in work placement(s) as well as 30 hours of classroom work in order to obtain 4 credits. An additional 4 credits can be earned with additional work placement hours. We believe career preparation leads to an increased understanding of the knowledge, attitude, and skills needed in the world of work as well as heightening self-esteem and increased self-confidence.
WEX provides students with the opportunity to:
- Explore personal interests and abilities
- Practice knowledge and skills in a work environment, including developing transferable skills
- Develop connections between goals, school studies, and possible career fields
- Observe and participate with adults working in the field of career interest
Students can start earning hours toward WEX once they have turned 15.
Youth Work in Trades (Apprenticeship Program)
Youth Work in Trades offers students aged 15 or older an opportunity to begin their apprenticeship while still in school. It is the beginning of training on the job, which is typically 80% of becoming a journeyperson. Students must be hired (paid) and working under the direction of a certified journeyperson. A student can earn up to four courses (WRK 11a, WRK 11b, WRK 12a, WRK 12b).
Advantages of Work in Trades include:
- Four credits for each 120 hours of paid employment (up to a maximum of 16 credits for 480 hours).
- Registration with the Industrial Training Authority
- Potential of $1,000 award upon completion of 900 hours
- Earn hours towards your trade with the ITA
- Learn in a “real world” situation
For more information about the youth work in trades program, click here.
Train in Trades
Youth Train in Trades is an industry training program for students entering grade 11 and 12 and have not graduated when the program begins. It is the first year (level 1) of the classroom/shop training which is 20% of becoming a journeyperson (training on the job is the other 80%). Some programs run for a full semester, others are shorter, or every other day at a linear school.
Students take dual credit courses that will give them credit towards both secondary graduation and the first level of apprenticeship or industry training. Train in Trades programs are offered as partnerships between school districts and local post-secondary institutions including BCIT, VCC, KPU, and FTI.
Upon successful completion they will receive credit for ‘level 1’ of the technical training (in-class) component of the Industry Training Program. Successful completion is 70% or higher. Students will have a significant head start on post-secondary education by the time they graduate high school, as well as gaining practical and in-demand skills. If accepted, the School District pays for the tuition costs with students being responsible for all other costs, such as materials, PPE, textbooks and learning modules.
Applications are due before spring break
Application does not guarantee acceptance. To see the application process and more information about the Train in Trades programs in Delta, click HERE. For more information on what Train in Trades programs are currently offered, contact Ms. Day at
**Students can take any combination of Work Experience, Work in Trades, and/or Train in Trades courses.
The Delta School District offers two additional Dual Credit Programs: CADD (Drafting) and Early Childhood Education. If a student is interested in owning their own business, they can also look at the YELL program. Applications for all programs are due before spring break. If you are interested in firefighting, there is a March Camp for high school students. You will need to apply for the Firefighting Camp
If you have further questions about any of these programs, please contact Ms. Day at or call 604-946-4194 to set up an appointment to discuss.