
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be open from February 5 – March 1, 2024. All registration received after March 1st will be processed in priority order (Catchment, Non-Catchment, Non-District). The school’s ability to process registration after March 1st will be based on availability and the schools ability to build students a complete timetable. Please visit the Delta School District website for information and links to complete registration applications.

Delta School District Registration Process and Policies

Documentation to be Presented at Time of Registration

  • Appropriate proof of citizenship or status in Canada for both students and parents, and appropriate proof of age for students.
    • original birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, immigration or refugee documentation
  • Appropriate proof of residence (purchase / rental agreement, current year property tax receipt, current month rental receipt showing address, or letter from landlord)
  • Most recent report card from previous school, if available