The information below is a tentative schedule of the events and activities we hope to offer with regards to school start for the 2024 – 2025 school year.
Have a wonderful summer,
Kevin Vasconcelos, Principal
Stay Connected!!!
It’s really easy to keep up to date with what’s happening at DSS. Visit our website on a regular basis.
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Student Welcome Back 2024/25
Grade 8 Orientation – Thursday, August 29th
Grade 8 families and students are invited to attend an orientation on Thursday, August 29th starting at 6:00pm. Parents will attend an information session in our Genesis theatre and students will be able to pick up their schedules and tour the school ahead of their first day of school on September 3rd. This will be an opportunity to meet the school administration, receive information and ask questions as we assist with the transition to high school.
Opening Day Schedule – Tuesday, September 3rd
Grade 9 10:00am – 11:30am Block A, Assembly
Grade 10 10:00am – 11:30am Assembly, Block A
Grade 11 11:30am – 1:00pm Block A, Assembly
Grade 12 11:30am – 1:00pm Assembly, Block A
Grade 8 1:00pm – 2:30pm Assembly, Block A
Upon arrival, students should report to the assembly (Genesis Theatre) or A Block; (Gr. 9 A Block/Assembly, Gr. 10 Assembly/A Block, Gr. 11 A Block/Assembly, Gr. 12 Assembly/A Block, Gr. 8 Assembly/A Block). During the A Block classes staff will take attendance, assign student lockers, hand out student agendas (Gr. 8 & 9), review student handbook and our opening week schedule. Gr. 12’s with an A Block study wil be in the library for their orientation following the assembly. The first day of classes is a short day. Regular classes begin Wednesday, September 4th.
First Week Bell Schedule 2024-2025
School Supplies
For the first day of school, it is important that students arrive with a pen or pencil and paper. Teachers will provide students with information regarding the supplies necessary for each of their courses during the first period those classes meet.
Student Timetables
Student timetables will be available on the Friday before school starts. Student schedules will be available to students on MyED and Student Connect that evening (August 30th).
Course Changes
Once timetables are released, if you require a course change, please click on the following Course Change Request Link
We will be very limited with the number of changes that we can make to a student’s schedule due to timetable constraints. We have done our best to balance our semester 1 and semester 2 courses for students in Gr. 10-12 to ensure students have both academic and elective classes in each semester.
For all other inquiries (not course requests) please contact your child’s counsellor:
- Last Name A – De Ms. Kinnis
- Last Name Dh – Lo Ms. Greene
- Last Name Lu – Pa & International Ms. Rohwer
- Last Name Pe – Z Ms. Gillis
Incomplete Timetables
If your timetable does not show all of the courses you will be taking, you need to see your counsellor during the first week of school during your unscheduled block.
Delta Secondary has an excellent culinary arts program and offers a wide array of healthy and tasty food choices for breakfast and lunch. Cafeteria service will begin on Monday, Sept. 9th (tentative date).
Registration of New Students
New student registrations need to be submitted online. Please see the Delta School District page for registrations.
Student Handbook
The Pacer Agenda is now an APP! Visit Apple’s iTunes or Google’s Play Store to download your agenda app: My School Day.
- After downloading the app, click on Region (British Columbia) > School District (Delta #37) > School (Delta Secondary) to get your Pacer Agenda App.
- Allow Push notifications and allow Reminders in order to receive important school information.
Each student in Grade 8 & 9 will receive a hard copy Student Handbook (Agenda) during the first week of school. Students in Grade 10-12 can request an agenda if they would like to use it for the year. The book (and the app) contains a calendar of events for the 2024/2025 school year as well as a daily planning calendar where students can record homework assignments, assignment due dates, and dates of tests. The front section contains important information about the school and its expectations and guidelines. The Handbook is an excellent organizational tool and we encourage you to use it well. Note that the calendar indicates the days of our schedule as well.
Bell Schedule 2024/25
Delta Secondary will once again be running a linear schedule for Gr. 8 & 9’s and a semester schedule for Gr. 10-12’s. Wednesday’s classes will start at 9:30am to support collaboration time for teachers on Wednesdays. All other days, school will start at 8:30am.
Lockers and Locks
Lockers and locks are property of the school. Lockers and locks will be assigned in students’ A block classes on Tuesday, September 3rd. Students will be required to repair any minor damage done to their assigned locker. Students should have a second lock for use in P.E to secure their belongings during PE Class. Locks can be purchased at the office for $5.00.
Remember to secure your property safely by always locking your regular locker or the gym locker you are using for that period. The school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. Over the course of the year, if you suspect someone may have determined your combination you may trade your lock for another at the office.
Gym Strip
Gym strip is necessary for P.E. classes. Students should not wear school clothes for P.E. but should change into a different T-shirt, P.E. shorts, a change of socks and running shoes. Warmer P.E. clothing should be worn on cold days. It is recommended that students do not take valuables with them to their P.E. class. Clothing and personal items should be locked in a gym locker during P.E. class. Do not leave valuables in the gym changing rooms.
Administrations and Counselling Staff
The administrative and counselling teams at Delta Secondary School are committed to supporting students to achieve their educational goals. Please contact any of the resource people listed below for assistance:
Administration Staff:
Kevin Vasconcelos (Principal, Gr. 12), Mr. Ian Close (Vice-Principal, Gr. 8 & 10), Ms. J. MacIntosh (Vice Principal, Gr. 9 & 11)
Counselling Staff:
Last Name A – De Ms. Kinnis
Last Name Dh – Lo Ms. Greene
Last Name Lu – Pa & International Ms. Rohwer
Last Name Pe – Z Ms. Gillis
Medical Alerts
Parents of students with medical conditions must complete a Medical Alert Card, which will be kept on file in the Office. Medical Alert Cards are available at the front desk in the Office. These cards should be updated by the parent/guardian each September and as the need arises.
Student Accident Insurance
Optional Student Accident Insurance is available to all students registered with the Delta School District. The Family Accident Reimbursement Plan is ideal for supplementing costs not covered by your provincial health insurance or existing employer extended health and dental plans. Regardless of the size of your family, all eligible family members can be insured under one set monthly rate. Parents are reminded that the District’s insurance coverage does not include coverage for students who have been injured in an accident.
Please take a moment to determine if the insurance offered by iA Financial Group meets the needs of your family. You can learn more by: visiting their website: www.solutionsinsurance
Band Students
Beginner band students will be introduced to the various choices of instruments in the first week of school. Students in beginner band or other bands who need to purchase supplies or rent/purchase instruments will be able to do so at the school at a date to be announced. Most students provide their own instruments either by renting or purchasing them from music stores. It is advisable to deal with a major company when acquiring an instrument. A list of music companies, rental costs and equipment needed will be given to students during the first two days of school.
Textbooks are loaned to students at no cost. Students are responsible for their texts and, consequently, will have to pay for lost or damaged textbooks. Take care of your books as some of them now cost $70 – $150 each! All unpaid charges and fees from the 2023/2024 school year must be paid before texts for the 2024/2025 school year will be issued.
School Photos
All students will have a photo taken on Friday, September 13th. The photo will be used for school I.D., a bus pass, and for the yearbook. Any parent or student wishing to order photos for personal use may do so online at If you do not wish your child’s photo taken, please call the school prior to September 13th.
Student Information and Consent Forms
A series of permission forms have been posted on Parent Connect for parents to review, update, and authorize. A full listing of the items that require your attention is included in the summer mailing. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the main office.
Check out Parent Connect:
Parking and Drop Offs
There are two main parking lots at the school. The one in front of the main office/entrance is for staff only. Because of the congestions in the morning and after school we ask that parents, who are dropping off their children at those times, please observe the “No Drop Off” and “No Parking” signs. When this does not happen we often end up with situations that are dangerous to our students and very difficult for our buses to get to their appointed pick up areas.
The second lot is located at the north end of the school and can be used by students, staff and visitors. It also has a drop off lane for parents bringing their children to school. Please use that when possible, however, this lane is not suitable for pick ups at the end of the school day and we ask parents to either pull into a parking spot or arrange to pick up away from the school.
The Delta Police have asked us to remind drivers that the “No Parking” signs on 51st across from the front of the school also mean “No Stopping”. At the order of the Fire Marshall, we have painted some of the curbs yellow to indicate no parking as well. This is to ensure that emergency vehicles have access to the school when needed and applies mainly to “Night School” students. Please drive carefully and patiently around the school – especially in the morning between 8:00-8:40 and in the afternoon between 2:50-3:20. Thank you for your cooperation.
Class of 2025
We’d like to give a special “welcome back” to the members of this year’s graduating class, the Class of 2025. For most of you (and your parents), this year has arrived very quickly. This is clearly an exciting and important time in your life and if you apply yourself and commit to maintaining a healthy balance in your life and in your schooling, you will be rewarded. At the completion of this school year you will be moving on to post-secondary studies or to careers in the world of work. It is important, therefore, that each of you have as successful a year as you can. By doing your best you will be able to put yourself in a good position for next year and be able to keep many options opens.
As the graduating class you also have a key role to play in the life of Delta Secondary. You can, and should, provide both leadership and a sense of purpose to the rest of the student body. Make this year a positive one! As individuals, and as a collective, you have tremendous potential. Set goals for yourselves and, with the help of your teachers and parents, go after them. Have a great senior year!
Graduation Requirements: It is the responsibility of the students to ensure that graduation requirements are met. Please refer to the 2024-2025 Course Planning Guide or check with your counsellor regarding graduation requirements. For post-secondary requirements it is absolutely necessary to check your program with a counsellor or the Career Information Advisor.
Grad Fees: At the beginning of the school year the grade 12’s are assessed a $40.00 “Grad Fee”. This fee goes towards the cost of Commencement. We ask for this initial amount in order to pay for the organizational and “up-front” costs of our grad event. Tickets will be sold for all other grad events (Boat Cruise, Dinner Dance ect.) The final ticket prices will be determined by the cost of the events and communicated directly to students and families once calculated. Ticket prices can be lowered through fundraising by the grad class; the more fund-raising that is done, the lower the final price.
Career Life Connections & Capstone Project: The CLC and Capstone is a graduation requirement for all BC secondary school students. All Grade 10, 11, 12 students are required to meet prescribed learning outcomes in three areas: Personal Development, Connections to Community, Career Life Plan. Completing of these learning outcomes will be noted on their transcripts as “RM”(Requirement Met) for CLC and Capstone, and students will be awarded four credits. Further information is available on the Student Resources page under Grad Info.
Being Green and Working Towards Better Communication!
In an effort to reduce our postage and paper costs, and to better communicate with our school community, Delta Secondary is committed to several digital initiatives.
- Posting School News and Updates on the school website: We are encouraging parents and students to visit the school website regularly to access frequently updated information about what’s happening at DSS. Be sure to bookmark the DSS website listed below. Daily announcements are also posted and can be accessed via the school website.
- E-mail: Please supply us with a reliable e-mail address so we can keep you up to date with important information, reminders, and event news.
- Parent Connect: Parent connect is a very helpful tool that allows parents to communicate with their child’s teachers, review courses, marks, attendance, view and update student information and to select courses for next year. Detailed information on how to use Parent Connect is available on the school website and from the school office.
- Teacher Webpages: Many teachers maintain a website to post assignments and resources on the web. These pages can be accessed through the school website, under “Teachers”.
Important Web Sites:
- Delta School District’s website:
- Parent Connect: https://cimsweb.deltasd/bc/ca
- Student Connect:
- MyEd BC:
Extra-Curricular Activities
Delta Secondary offers a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities in the areas of athletics, student clubs and performing arts, which are open to students in all grades. We encourage all students to get involved in the extra-curricular life of the school. A “Club Week” will be held the week of September 23rd to showcase activities that are available for students.
Success and Regular Attendance
Regular and punctual attendance has been shown to be fundamental to success at school. At DSS, we expect that students will always be in class, punctually, unless there is an unavoidable reason for the absence. Reasons such as sleeping in, working, extended vacations without advance notice, are generally not considered valid excuses to be absent from school. While the primary responsibility for attendance must lie with the student, parents do contribute significantly to regular attendance and to student success. Please:
- Encourage and monitor your child’s regular attendance.
- Schedule appointments and family holidays outside of school time.
- Phone the school when your child is going to be absent.
- Provide meaningful consequences at home for unexcused absences.
Parents are asked to phone or email the school when their child is going to be absent from school. This will ensure that our automated email absence system does not email home regarding an unexcused absence. Please contact your child’s teacher directly if you have any questions about their attendance.
The DSS PAC meets once a month during the school year (typically the third Wednesday). All parents are invited to attend the next meeting on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room.
Check out the DSS PAC Website: PAC Fundraising Letter
If you would like to receive regular PAC updates by email (including the minutes of PAC meetings), please contact PAC directly.
PAC Executive & Committee Chairs (Contact any one of the PAC executive by email at
Delta School District Vision 2030
The Delta District Vision is an expression of our common core values; a statement of purpose for our work; and a bold and inspiring vision of what we hope to be in the future. The guiding principles of “Vision 2030” acts as a compass for our district and will be used as a filter for all decision-making, strategic planning, and setting of priority initiatives.
Making our vision come alive means building on the very best of who we are today and translating each part of the vision into concrete, practical, visible and inspiring outcomes, projects and initiatives that will move us forward, and motivate all of the partners to work together towards the realization of our preferred future.
The Mission of the Delta School District is:
“To inspire and nurture thriving future-ready learners”