At the end of the year, awards ceremonies are held to recognize students who excel in academics, service, sports and in individual subject awards. Only students in good standing will be considered for awards.
Grade 8 Awards 2020
Grade 9 Awards 2020
Grade 10 Awards 2020
Grade 11 Awards 2020
Grade 12 Awards 2020
Students attaining a 3.25 or higher grade point average (A=4, B=3, C+=2.5, C=2, F=0, I=0) in a reporting period earn a position on the honour roll. Those students with a GPA of 3.85 or better will form the Principal’s List.
At Delta Secondary, we believe that good work habits are the foundation for student success. We challenge students to commit themselves to earning six or more good work habit marks (G) each reporting period. While not every student is able to achieve straight A’s, all students are capable of working to the best of their ability and realizing their full academic potential.