Art 8/9/10
Art 8 is a foundation course that covers many different projects, image developments and mediums

Art 9

Ceramics & Sculpture 9/10
Ceramics and Sculpture 9 is a 3D course that covers many different projects, image developments and mediums, that include: clay and glaze, glass mosaic, and plaster board and paint
Ceramics and Sculpture 10 is a 3D course that covers many different projects, image developments and mediums, that include clay, glass beads, glass mosaic and stained glass art work.
Ceramics & Sculpture 11/12
Ceramics and Sculpture 11 is a 3D course that covers many different projects, image developments and mediums, that include clay, glass beads, glass mosaic and stained glass art work.
Ceramics and Sculpture 12 is a 3D course that covers many different projects, image developments and mediums, that include clay, glass beads, glass mosaic and stained glass art wor
Drawing & Painting 10 – 12
Graphics 9
This course consists of various projects in colour, design, printmaking, darkroom procedures and pinhole camera work.
Art Foundations 11/12
Graphics 11/12
Media Arts 11/12
Yearbook Production 11/12
The production of the yearbook requires students from many different disciplines: photography, graphic design and media arts; business education, desktop publishing, marketing and journalism. Students must be self-motivated and be able to work well with others and meet real-world deadlines. Yearbook Production is strongly recommended as it is a unique opportunity which offers the experience and the prestige of producing a book that will create memories for a lifetime.