Physical Health Education

Delta Secondary Schools’ Physical and Health Education Department provides a program for its students based on Ministry of Education Curriculum. Our program promotes the following “big ideas”:

  • Daily participation in different types of physical activity influences our physical ieracy and personal health and fitness goals.
  • Personal fitness can be maintained and improved through regular participation in physical activities.
  • Trying a variety of physical activities can increase the likelihood that we will be active throughout our lives.
  • Lifelong participation in physical activity has many benefits and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Healthy choices influence, and are influenced by, our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  • Knowing how our bodies move and function helps us stay safe during exercise.
  • Safety and injury prevention practices allow lifelong participation in physical activities.
  • Understanding our strengths, weaknesses, and personal preferences helps us plan and achieve our goals.
  • Healthy relationships can help us lead rewarding and fulfilling lives.
  • Advocating for the health and well-being of others connects us to our community.

The Physical and Health Education Department offers a wide range of experiences for our students:

  • Physical and Health Education 8
  • Physical and Health Education 9
  • Physical and Health Education 10, Studio Fit & Games 10, or Junior Weight Training 10
  • Active Living 11, Active Living 11 for Females, Strength and Conditioning-Studio Fit 11, or Strength and Conditioning-Weight Training 11
  • Active Living 12, Active Living 12 for Females, Strength and Conditioning-Studio Fit 12, or Strength and Conditioning-Weight Training 12
  • Recreational Leadership 11/12
  • *NEW* Physical and Health Education 8-9 and 10-12 Diamond Sports
  • *NEW* Active Living 11/12 Volleyball

Department Information for Students, Parents and Guardians


  • Students should be prepared to go outside throughout the year regardless of the weather
  • PHE teachers have a Google Classroom setup where they may post information and assignments for the class.
  • All students will be required to have their Walking Field Trip permission form completed at the beginning of the school year (this can be completed on Parent Connect).


Cell phones are NOT permitted in PHE unless specifically directed by their PHE teacher, and should remain locked in their locker during class time.


In accordance with Delta Secondary’s school-wide attendance policies, the PHE teaching staff assumes that students will always be in class, on time, unless there is a justifiable reason for being absent.  Since this is a participation and performance-based course, attendance is essential to demonstrating learning outcomes.


It is essential that every student come to class wearing:

  • athletic running shoes
  • comfortable athletic shorts, sweatpants, leggings, or track pants
  • respectable athletic shirts (t-shirt or sweatshirt)

If a student arrives without appropriate athletic footwear and clothing, they will be expected to participate in class to the best of their ability.  Failure to wear appropriate athletic footwear and clothing will directly affect the student’s work habit mark.

*Please note, students need to bring their own lock to secure personal belongings in change rooms during class.


If a student is injured, the teacher will either make adaptations to allow the student to participate in accordance with his/her doctor’s advice or make arrangements with that student to demonstrate proficiency in other ways.

“We want to know what you CAN do, not CAN’T do”

If a student is unable to participate in class due to a serious medical reason, the PHE department would prefer to have a medical or parent note on file regarding that student’s situation.