Inclusive Learning


These programmes are designed to give students who are not succeeding in a regular school setting, an opportunity to continue their education.  The outcome of this programme may be any of the following:

  • Reintegration into a regular school programme,
  • Entry directly into the work force,
  • Entry into a vocational training programme.

The application form for this programme must be obtained from the Delta School Board Office.  Admission to this programme is made through a District Screening Committee.


We offer two types of classes for ELL students:

  • Language instruction, which includes activities, assignments, and projects to increase student comfort and competence with English
  • Language strategies, which includes small group and one-on-one instruction with students to teach and to support strategies that are necessary for success in their academic and elective classes.


This programme is designed to service students from grade 8 – 12 who are classified as having mild intellectual disabilities.  The programme offers individualized instruction in academic subjects, and support where required for integration into the regular school curriculum.  Instruction is also provided in the areas of community, social and work experience skills.


This is an adapted support program for student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and/or chronic health issues.  These students have average to above average intellectual abilities and all students are striving to complete a regular Dogwood graduation certificate.  Students will receive classroom support and write the majority of tests and quizzes in a separate setting.  This program functions to provide support on multiple levels; academic, emotional, and social so that students reach their potential.


The Learning Development Program/Strategies 8-12 course is an accredited course locally developed which provides credit toward graduation. The Learning Development Program is for those students in grades 8-12 who have, according to Ministry criteria, been diagnosed with a moderate to severe Learning Disability. The primary aim of the LD Strategies program is to provide academic support for the four core academic subject areas of Science, Math, English, and Socials. Emphasis is on improving the students’ habits and skills in studying as well as applying learning strategies within the context of developing executive functioning skills such as assignment completion, time management, and organization.Each student in the program will have an Individualized Education Plan in place that outlines any academic and exam adaptations as granted by the Ministry of Education as well as specific goals that students are working towards.


The Learning Assistance/Strategies 8-12 course is an accredited course locally developed which provides credit toward graduation. Each student in the program will have a learning plan in place that suggests academic adaptations based on the child’s specific needs. For the Grade 8/9 LA/STRAT students, the focus is to provide students with the academic support and skill development necessary for success. Emphasis is on improving the students’ habits and skills in studying as well as applying learning strategies within the context of developing executive functioning skills such as assignment completion, time management, and organization. The priority is to provide academic support in the four core academic subject areas of Science, Math, English, and Socials; however, students may also improve basic skills in reading, writing, spelling, and math concepts. Grade 8 students entering the program will only do so after close consultation with staff, parents, and counsellors who have recommended them into the program. Students are admitted to the grade 9-12 program through a screening process, usually based on testing and teacher/staff recommendation and consultation.


This program is designed to service students from Grade 8 – 12 who are classified as having mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.  The program seeks to maximize student independence in a variety of settings.  The program provides individualized instruction in the areas of functional academics, social, community, transit training, domestic skills and work experience.  Support is provided for student integration into the regular school curriculum based on interest and ability level.


The Supportive Learning Classroom is designed to meet the needs of thirteen to fifteen year old students designated with moderate to severe behaviour concerns as well as social/emotional challenges.  The primary goal for each student is full integration into the regular school program, but for those students who require more individualized support, this program offers a unique, comfortable, small group setting to work on their individual needs.  In consultation with a parent/guardian a “pull out” model may be employed in which a student engages in a more personalized program of study.


The Senior Supportive Learning (SSL) program is a District supported program for students in grades 10, 11 and 12 with moderate to severe behaviour concerns as well as social/emotional challenges, who wish to complete a Dogwood Graduation Certification. Staff work to provide individualized assistance and endeavour to provide mainstream class support when scheduling allows. Program seats are limited and an application for placement in the program is required. All applications will be reviewed by both school and district personnel who will work to identify those students who are committed to attending school on a full time basis and are motivated to learn and practice strategies to overcome various obstacles to learning. First priority will be given to those students who have a strong desire to complete academic coursework but have previously experienced significant difficulties in mainstream classes.